Tuesday, 29 September 2009

More Guys with iPhones

Well since my top 10 Guyswithiphones post, for some reason there's been a huge influx of hotties posting pics and they need to be seen!

I'm going out this evening but if I get home at a reasonable hour I'll post up a selection...


OK, so these are the late entries into the Guyswithiphones Hall of Fame (my own customised list, you understand). A good selection I hope you agree. It seems as time goes on, more and more guys are submitting their pics...which means more perving opportunities per day! Brilliant.

I've had this one. He's a screamer.

I've had this one too. Very kinky - into dirty talk, you know what I mean.

This one begged me but I turned him down. The shower curtain killed my buzz.

I had this one but he has a fatal problem - can't stop pulling his shorts off. You can't take him anywhere - especially not the library.

I had this one 3 times a day, every day, for a week. Then discarded him like a used tissue, he was a sad hollow husk of a hunk by the end. (P.s. this one is my fave but I heard he's not an amateur but a porn actor for Hot House - I think it's better when it's unknowns)

This one reminds me of someone facially, can't think who. I like the shape and proportions of his body, I think I will look similar to this given another few months of hard graft.

So there we have it, some more hand-picked hotties - who do you like?

1 comment:

viagra online said...

Well, let me tell you that I am very happy with this huge influx of hotties posting pics. I this case,I must or I need to see them!!!