Friday 22 May 2009


Currently feeling like my workout is getting kinda stale, having done pretty much the same stuff for quite a while now.

Typically consists of 3 sets of 8 with heaviest weight manageable, (which is 17.5kg dumbbells for hammer curls and 27.5kg dumbbells for other free weights, currently)

Free Weights

3x8 @ 17.5kg hammer curls

superset with:

3x8 @ 27.5kg dumbbell bench press (flat)


3x8 @ 27.5kg dumbbell single-arm bent over row (using bench - think that's the right name!)

superset with:

3x8 @ 27.5kg dumbbell pullover

After this I've e started to do some more shoulder/traps work, using a big weight plate, but I must admit I don't know what the name of the exercise is! Basically, I grip the weight plate at one end at the handle, using both hands, and I pull it up until my hands touch my chin, then lower. Repeat as needed. If anyone can tell me the name for this, please do!

That's with a 25kg plate, which I am also using 2 of to do shrugs.

That's all I'm currently doing regularly free weights-wise, although I sometimes squat and deadlift and want to do these a lot more (good for growth all over, I know).

Machine Weights

I tend to stick to a few machines and again do 3 sets of 8 reps with the heaviest weight I can adequately manage with good form. Machines are:

Chest Press - 55kg (sometimes 1 set of 55 and next two of 47.5kg if feeling weak)
Seated Row - 50kg
Shoulder Press - 35kg

Dipping Station - I am not yet dipping full bodyweight; I put the pin just below the main pin, so I think that's taking, what, 5kg off? Not sure. Will hopefully start full bodyweight dips later this summer.

Been doing - 2 sets of 8 reps of dips (leaning forward to target pecs, yeah!)
2 sets of 8 pull ups - not sure what the grip I use is called, my elbows are basically at right angles
Sometimes might then do some Lat Pull downs or Cable Flyes if I'm feeling energetic, but usually that's about it. Not sure where to go from here - apart from the aforementioned incorporating more squats and deadlifts into my routine. Will try and keep a more careful track on weights etc though and aim to go up to the next size dumbell by July...

1 comment:

JS Grame-Smith said...

When i wake up in early morning ,my work out schedule is always fixed and that help me a lot to build a good physic.
- whey protein