Friday 22 May 2009

Film Review

Just a few comments on films I've seen recently and what I thought of them...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Yes, Hugh Jackman got into incredible shape for it and he did look fantastic, but sadly the Wolverine film failed to deliver. Some decent action set-pieces aside, the plot was weak and the characters poor, a lack of tension (since it's a prequel you kind of know the ending) and some bad casting meant this was a very average start to the summer blockbuster season.

Generous Rating - 3/5 (extra 1 for Hugh Jackman's hotness)


Not having received the same level of publicity of Wolverine, some of you may not be aware of Coraline, but you should be! From the same guys that brought us The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline is a stop-motion animation adaptation from the fantastic fantasy author Neil Gaiman's book that weaves a spell-binding tale of a girl trapped in a nightmare reality... everything about this film is spot on, the sumptuous visuals and the soundtrack work so well together and lend this film a totally dreamlike quality. Far from a mere kid's film, this is actually quite dark and scary towards the end! One of the best animated films of all time, I think!


Star Trek

I'm not a Star Trek fan so went into this with no expectations really, other than being a fan of JJ Abrahms other work (e.g. Cloverfield and Alias, not so much Lost). Was pleasantly suprised, it's a very entertaining sci-fi actioner that refreshes the tired franchise and despite some limited characterisation, there's not really a dull moment. I really enjoyed it - and it seems the general public agrees, as this is sure to be one of the highest grossing films of 2009's box office.


P.s. in future I will try and write far more detailed film reviews, as I watch a lot of films (Film being a main interest of mine) and always have an opinion! Next film is probably going to be Drag Me To Hell, so check out the review sometime next week!

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